Oduvankuppam village is located in Tirukkoyilur taluka of Viluppuram district in Tamil Nadu, India. It is situated 18km away from sub-district headquarter Tirukkoyilur (tehsildar office) and 20km away from district headquarter Viluppuram.

The total geographical area of village is 334.6 hectares. According to Census 2011 information the location, Oduvankuppam has a total population of 2,401 peoples, out of which male population is 1,218 while female population is 1,183. Literacy rate of oduvankuppam village is 64.18% out of which 72.41% males and 55.71% females are literate. There are about 542 houses in oduvankuppam village..

This is a poor village having less income for the people. There is a school in which 167 children are studying.  For a long time, it did not have a proper drinking water facility. Consequently, the children are affected by waterborne diseases due to contaminated water supplied by Panchayat in the street line twice in a week. As these children are afflicted by water borne diseases they have to spend more money for their medical bills. The poor parents and the villagers are unable to bear the medical expenses.

Imagine compassion International (ICI) decided to make a difference to the people of the village and constructed a drinking water facility for them.



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