ICI's Automatic Contribution Agreement

Making financial contributions by credit card or direct debit is a safe, easy, convenient and cost-effective way of getting more money to where it’s needed: the children.

Automatic financial contributions are preferred as it saves ICI a significant amount of money in handling, printing and postage costs. By participating in the automatic contribution system, you allow us to pass on more funds to the children.

Also, You can arrange for us to direct debit your bank, building society or credit card account (Bankcard, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Diners Club) at a frequency that suits you, for example, monthly, quarterly, biannually or yearly. If you prefer to make your contributions by cheque or by money order, consider making contributions three, six, or even 12 months at a time, and make them out to the Imagine Compassion Overseas Aid and Development Fund.

Please read this document thoroughly. For further enquiries regarding your contribution, please contact our Finance Department by phone 1300 651 682 or email wecare@ici.org.au.

This page outlines our service commitment to you, in respect to the automatic contribution arrangements made between Imagine Compassion and you. It explains your rights, our commitment to you and your responsibilities in relation to the arrangements, including where you can go for assistance.

Our commitment to you

In terms of the automatic contribution arrangement made between us and signed by you, we undertake to debit your nominated account for the agreed amount for your support of ICI Projects.

Drawing arrangement

Dreawing arrangements can be organised as per your convenience.  If you wish to discuss this matter further, please contact us directly by calling 1300 651682 during business hours, or email wecare@ici.org.au.


Please direct all enquiries to Imagine Compassion International Ltd (ICI), rather than to your financial institution. These should be made at least five (5) business days prior to the next scheduled drawing date. All communication addressed to us should include your supporter number. All personal customer information held by us will be kept confidential, except that information provided to our financial institution to initiate the drawing from your nominated account.


  • If you believe that a drawing has been initiated incorrectly, we encourage you to contact us directly by calling 1300 651 682 during business hours or emailing wecare@ici.org.au

Your commitment to us

You need  to ensure that

  • Your nominated account can accept direct debits, please consult with your financial institution.
  • On the drawing date there are sufficient cleared funds in the nominated account.
  • You advise us if the nominated direct debit account is closed and the new account details.
  • If you are under 18 years of age, you have consent from your parent or guardian to make automatic financial contributions.

We reserve the right to cancel your automatic contribution if two (2) or more direct debits are returned unpaid by your financial institution. We will contact you to arrange an alternative contribution method.



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