Neville Emerson 21,Oct 2020

Love is thoughful

Women are worst affected when it comes to unemployment and poverty. Without any income of their own, they need to depend on men for anything and everything. If the men are also unemployed, the matter gets worse.

Sujatha’s life is worse than an average woman's life. She has three children. The Eldest son is 80% blind by birth. Her husband is only a seasonal worker due to his health challenges. Her father-in-law has lost his leg and is completely bed-ridden. He needs their physical attention for everything and support. Sujatha, along with her family and father-in-law, lives in a two-room tin sheet house in a slum. She has no running water, no gas stove. She cooks on firewood which generates dangerous smoke. Sujatha is the sole breadwinner for her family. She works as a labourer in the hot sun, often earning less than $3 a day. How can she survive and take care of the family?

Sometimes all it takes is a simple tool, given with a lot of love, to change a person’s life. Sewing machines provide consistent, dignified work that enables women like Sujatha to provide for her children. Sewing machines bring hope for a better life and a way out of poverty.

She is one of 46 women who have gone through our six-month sewing machine training. After completing tailoring classes, graduates receive sewing machines, which is only made possible through the generosity of people like you! With a sewing machine, Sujatha can earn a decent living by making and repairing clothes for her community. This gift offers hope for the future and enough money to send her kids to school.

So far, we have raised funds for 18 sewing machines. We are still praying for 28 sewing machines. We request you to please pray and bless a woman with a sewing machine. It costs $150 per machine, a total $4,200 for 28 sewing machines. By providing a woman with a sewing machine, you offer them an opportunity to earn a decent living for the first time. Give a practical gift to people who need it most.

When we provide these machines, your name will be written on the sewing machine and the families will be grateful for you and will be praying for you daily for helping them to make poverty history in their lives. Donations can be made through ICI. Please mention LIGHT Home when donating.

Please contact us on 02 47226970, if you would like to make a difference in these peoples live.



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