Neville Emerson 05,Nov 2020

Providing safe drinking water

One of the largest public health challenges in Sri Lanka is currently the occurrence of the chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology. Previous research indicates that contaminated drinking water might contribute to the kidney disease which is often fatal. The North and the East of Sri Lanka are especially affected by these incidents. The District of Trincomalee is one of the areas where Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown aetiology (CKD) occurs above average. The drinking water available in many villages of the Trincomalee District is badly contaminated and therefore improper for human consumption. In addition, the area often suffers from droughts, which further complicates the access to clean drinking water.

Under nutrition is another major cause for disease and death, affecting many people in the above villages. This has been happening for many years’, especially among women and children in impoverished communities. Under nutrition is directly caused by inadequate dietary intake and/or disease and indirectly related to many factors, including contaminated drinking- water and poor sanitation and hygiene.

Although notable progress has been made on improving access to WASH and decreasing under nutrition, there is still significant work that remains, especially in addressing the needs among the very poor and vulnerable populations. According to the community groups the distribution of water connection /pipeline does not cater to all required community.

Regional Department of Health Services (RDHS) officers have identified the areas that are suitable for the implementation of Drinking water supply schemes. The projects have been designed, keeping in view of the urgent need of the communities and their willingness to shoulder responsibility to implement this project. After conducting socio-economic survey and technical feasibility of areas, water board suggested laying main /common pipelines.  This will address the water supply problem of the areas to a great extent.

If you are willing to donate to make a difference to the people living in these areas, you are welcome to contact us.



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