We saw people sleeping on the streets and covering themselves with newspapers and plastic covers. By seeing the plight of these homeless people shivering at the street-corners, we were deeply moved with compassion and God’s love for these people.

Recently, we have bought warm blankets for 28 people and blessed them. These poor individuals were very grateful for the MOST needed blessing they received this winter.

"God answered my prayers for blankets through you,” says an elderly homeless woman with tears flowing.

There is no better gift than providing warm clothing to the needy during the winter season. Millions of homeless people experience the bitterness of winter and are at a great risk of suffering from severe illnesses. There are many underprivileged people who cannot afford even a blanket and die – without a cloth on their bare bodies.

During this winter, we would like to show God’s love to 500 homeless people with warm blankets. It costs $10 for a good quality blanket. We request you to please pray and support for one or more people as God speaks to you.  

We thank you for your compassionate prayers and financial support. Without your generous donations it is very difficult for us to donate a blanket to a needy person.

If you would like to be part of this great work, you can contact us on +612 47226970.

You can make tax deductible donations to support similar humanitarian work through Imagine Compassion International Ltd (ICI).



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